Hey its zZy Martinez

My quest to discover the world started when I was around 7 years old. My Father would always tell me stories about different countries even if he himself has not experienced traveling, or has never experienced riding airplanes. But he told me lots of things about Airplanes that made me excited. then my mother bought a book entitled "Circling the Globe" which I read every night back then. I was fascinated. there were so many photos and stories about different countries and also includes few of their words translated to English.   Then my mother started traveling when she entered an RTW business. She never brought us with her cause we didn't have enough money to travel.But when I was about to turn 18 my father promised me that we'll have a family tour in America and we'll visit my aunt who's about to get married. Unfortunately our application for Visa was denied because the consul think we're never going back in the Philippines. I cursed that man who denied me the chance to travel abroad. My heart was broken.  Then I studied Rizal in college which flared up my hunger to see the world. Because Rizal traveled a lot and I learned that he had this journal where he wrote his journey about different countries. So I promised myself that I'll be like our National Hero and I'll have my journal too. Then in 2009 I had my first trip outside of the country which is in Hong Kong, China. And that gave birth to this blog.